SEMRush Keyword Research

Learn how to do keyword research + various use cases

What is it?

The SEMRush Keyword Research is a feature that is part of the SEO Toolkit. It allows you to find the right keywords for SEO and PPC campaigns.

It is composed of various tools:

  • Keyword Overview
  • Keyword Magic Tool
  • Keyword Manager
  • Keyword Difficulty
  • Organic Traffic Insights

Keyword research is a crucial step if you want to get more traffic and rank on Google.

Don’t skip this part.

When should you use Keyword Research?

Use the tools for keyword research if you want to:

  • know the best keywords to use for SEO
  • determine which keywords to target for your PPC campaigns
  • research what your target audience is searching for
  • find long-tail variations of your seed terms
  • get more ideas for keywords to target
  • create keyword lists to group ideas together
  • learn specific keyword metrics like monthly search volume, difficulty, and competition levels

The keyword research tools provide you insights on which keywords and topics you should prioritize in the short- and long-term. Here are 12 different keyword research strategies you can apply today.

Learn keyword research from the pros

New to keyword research? Want to find out how other people conduct their research?

Enroll in this free keyword research course in the SEMRush academy.

After taking the course, you will:

  • develop a solid foundation for keyword research
  • learn keyword research principles you can apply regardless of industry
  • gain an understanding of search intent (query intent)
  • learn how to use SEMRush tools
Table of Contents

Use Cases